• Create

    Brand and reputation depend on clarity and precision. Unlocking business growth, managing crises, building shareholder equity all start with a credible message clearly communicated over time. Convergent takes the time to understand that landscape and work with you to create, adjust or reinvent your brand in ways that are compelling, measurable and credible.

  • Build

    Your brand and reputation must be nurtured, developed, socialized, and communicated to the world in a way that is memorable. Our job is to help you see the full potential of your business, product, or issue, to realize the maximum impact on your brand and reputation. Tgether, we can develop a realistic and impactful communications strategy that delivers short-term results while building the long-term equity you need to thrive five, ten or twenty years down the line.

  • Grow

    Sustainable, profitable growth is vital for any company’s success. All three factors must be delivered at the same time and Convergent knows that the best plan often has strengths and weaknesses in each of these areas. Our background and experience can give you an additional level of confidence that your best plans become programs that differentiate you from competitors, open up new opportunities and deliver real value to you and your core stakeholders.

Get in touch.


What we do.

At Convergent, we understand that focus and consistency are the keys to any business venture.

Whether you want to launch a product or business or find a way to communicate your company’s impact on climate change, diversity, or your communities, cutting through the clutter of the business landscape takes skill and tenacity. Because the truth is, ideas aren’t enough — a successful business needs to create a clear and concise drumbeat of communications targeted to the right audiences in ways that set you apart from competitors.

That’s what Convergent does. We take the bare bones of an idea and, in a collaborative effort, work with you to establish clear, concise disciplines you can use for years down the line. It is storytelling at its best. The kind of expert advice and planning that gives you and your company confidence that customers, investors, communities and partners know exactly who you are and what you do, and that your input is valued and integral to the process.

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Who we are.

Carmen Ferrigno

Carmen is a business strategist who makes connections and frames stories in compelling and memorable ways.

Colleagues and clients are consistently impressed by Carmen's ability to swiftly transform a basic concept into a comprehensive plan. This proficiency is a product of his 25 years of leadership in communications for corporations, not-for-profits, and NGOs, which have all established prominent brands and reputations worldwide. His award-winning strategies and campaigns have elevated these organizations and their executives to the status of industry leaders, experts, and trusted partners.

As CEO of Convergent Communications and Consulting, Carmen taps into a creative community of designers, video producers, writers, and strategists from around the world so that you don’t have to hunt and hope for the right people. He calls it his: “I know a girl or guy strategy.”

The current can carry you far.

But what if YOU could shape the current?